South & West Wales Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club
Championship Show – 3rd November 2024

Best In Show – Charnell Here Comes Summer JW
Best Opposite Sex – Pascavale Tyson
Best Puppy In Show – Moonvale Vito Verheyen
Best Veteran In Show – Rosirius Bluebell

Dog Results Bitch Results
Dogs Mr S Watts (Jamesbonny)
Thank you for the committee for inviting me to Judge today. I really enjoyed my day. I will take this opportunity to give a special thank you to my steward who was very helpful and instructive to the exhibitors.
It was unfortunate I had to withdraw from BOB has had recently cared for the winning Bitch. This task therefore carried out by the Referee.
Dog CC Levy & Sedgwick’s Pascavale Tyson
Reserve CC Rees’ Ch Embeth Rock The Boat
Best Puppy Dog Cunnignham’s Moonvale Vito Verheyen
Veteran (3 Entries, 2 Absent)  
1st Blackie & Knapp’s Cridensa Conrad ShCM ShCEx VW
Well coated, 8 year old Ruby dog slightly longer set, Masculine, head dark eyes and correct earset moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline and tailset.
Minor Puppy (8, 1)  
1st Williams’ Charnell The Renegade Sancana
Confident 6 month old Blen Dog, Lovely Masculine Head, Dark Eyes, correct ear set Moved happily keeping a good level topline & tailset. One to watch out for!
2nd Kowalski’s Anickily Black Velvet
8.5 month old Black & Tan dog. Masculine head, dark eyes moved and showed well keeping a nice level topline.
3rd Hartill-Speak’s Verheyen Woody under Gracewincavs
Res Li’s Avalcier Sebastian
VHC Player’s Anickily Black Orchid
Puppy (4, 0)  
1st Cunningham’s Moonvale Vito Verheyen
11 month old Happy Blenheim dog, Lovely Masculine Head, Dark Eyes, Ears well set, good nose pigmentation. Moved and showed with confidence. Worthy class winner. Best Puppy Dog, Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Mackenzie’s Carsan In Your Dreams
11 month old Blen dog lovely head and dark eyes. He kept a nice level topline while moving confidently around the ring.
3rd Willis’ Dinitro’s Rock Steady Eddie
Junior (3, 1)  
1st Walker’s Carsan Richie Rich
Attractive 15 month old Tricolour dog, well presented Masculine head. Lovely dark eyes and correct earset. Moved with drive keeping a nice level topline and tailset. Shortlisted for the CC.
2nd Jackson’s Fortunamajor Perseus JW
17 month old tri dog, Masculine head, with lovely Dark Eyes, Good earset, Moved with drive keeping a level topline and tailset.
Yearling (5, 1)  
1st Koster’s Harana Now You Has Jazz JW
18 month old Black & Tan dog in full coat, Lovely masculine head dark eyes and correct earset moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline and tailset.
2nd Long’s Arroline Kryptonite JW
23 month old Tricolour dog Lovely Masculine Head dark eyes correct earset moved and showed with confidence for his owner keeping a nice level topline Close Class.
3rd Lovel’s Juzandia Keverne at Lovetrac
Res Mackenzie’s Carsan Hot An Tasty
Novice (5, 2)  
1st Gamble’s Loranka’s I’ve Got The Look for Lisgarth
15 month old Ruby dog Masculine, Head Dark Eyes with a good earset moved and showed with, well, moved keeping a level topline.
2nd Mynott’s Honeybet Hamilton
12 month old Blenheim dog Lovely Masculine head dark eyes moved and showed well.
3rd Wilkins & Wilcock’s Fortuamajor Major Bettelgeuse at Tebaldi
Graduate (1, 0)  
1st Wakeman’s Llapsttam’s Secret Affair
Well presented 2 year old Black & Tan dog, Lovely Masculine head dark eyes and well set ears moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline.
Post Graduate (2, 0)  
1st Wakeman’s Thekop’s Medicinal Brandy
3 year old Ruby dog Lovely Masculine head dark eyes and correct earset, moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline and tailset.
2nd Blackie & Knapp’s Cridensa Connor
2.5 year old Ruby dog Masculine, Had dark eyes & correct earset moved with confidence slightly larger set than the 1st.
Special Mid Limit (Blen/Tri) (6, 3)  
1st Levy & Sedgwick’s Pascavale Tyson
Glamorous 2 year old Tricolour dog, Just loved his Profile when walking around at the start of the class. Lovely Masculine head, dark eyes and correct earset moved and showed with confidence keeping a perfect topline & tailset Taking a well earned CC.
2nd Li’s Avalcier Ace JW
2.5 year old Tricolour dog slightly larger than 1, Lovely Masculine head dark eyes and correct earset moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline.
3rd Searle’s Midori’s Flowers Pegasus at Stonepit
Special Mid Limit (Ruby/B&T) (2, 0)  
1st Lewis’ Carleeto Cutie Pie JW
2 year old Ruby dog, in good coat, condition, Lovely Masculine head dark eyes and correct earset, moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline and tailset.
2nd Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam’s Sir Prize
Well presented 2 year old Black & Tan dog, Lovely Masculine head dark eyes and well set ears moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline. Close class.
Limit (3, 0)  
1st Waterman’s Burleybeck Bear Gryils
4 year old Blen dog Lovely masculine, head dark eyes and correct earset with lozenge moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline and tailset.
2nd Lock & Thomas’ Bowfort Bo Jo
5 year old Blen dog Lovely masculine, head dark eyes and correct earset moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline.
3rd Wakeman’s Thekop’s Medicinal Brandy
Open (6, 0)  
1st Rees’ Ch Embeth Rock The Boat
Short Coupled Well coated 4 year old Blen dog, of correct size. He has a lovely masculine head with dark eyes and correct earset. Moved and showed with true ring presence keeping a level topline and tailset. Res CC.
2nd Levy & Sedgwick’s Ch Roi De Coeur Of Sevijeans at Pascavale
5 year old Blenheim dog Lovely masculine, head dark eyes and correct earset moved and showed with confidence keeping a level topline and tailset.
3rd Lovel’s Lovetrac Brandon
Res Spall & Clark’s Ch Llapsttam’s Heavenly Scent
VHC Cox’s Fujairah Eric Morecambe ShCEx

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Bitches Miss W Waters (Sweetbriar / Angelspride)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge bitches at your very well run, friendly show. I had the privilege to examine some very nice bitches. To my exhibitor’s, I hope you found my decisions honest and based upon the merits of each dog before of me. I was very happy with my overall winners.
Bitch CC Ireland’s Charnell Here Comes Summer JW
Reserve CC Lovel’s Ch Lovetrac Born To Boogie
Best Puppy Bitch Conneally’s Melody Dobry of Coedgwylum
Veteran (4 Entries, 0 Absent)  
1st Loades’ Rosirius Bluebell
At nearly 8 years with just the first signs of frosting to her head, this the only giveaway, to her age. Well feathered ears frame a pretty feminine head, with the sweetest expression, dark pigment, an elegant neck gives way to a well made front assembly, she maintained a level topline at all times, super rear angulation which allowed her to move out with drive.
2nd Berwick’s Ch Harana Peggy Lee Merrylaine
8 year old Richly coloured Ruby Bitch.still as pretty as her younger days, with the darkest expressive eyes, presented in fabulous condition, moved with purpose and drive with correct, tail set and carriage.
3rd Jones’ Boatswain Azure at Droleus VW (Imp Ita)
Res Tyler’s Deranmar Hester with Janthow
Minor Puppy (5, 1)  
1st Lewis’ Carleeto Red Velvet
7 mth old correctly made young lady, excellent firm well constructed body, finished with good croup and correct tail carriage, moved true both fore and aft once settled Her pretty head gives the desired soft expression, being carried on a elegant neck, a super rich coloured ruby.
2nd Cox’s Verheyen Wanda Fujairah
Another well made, well broken Blenheim girl, sweet expression, moved well giving nice profile, both on the move and standing.
3rd Jones’ Itsa Moly Moment at Droleus
Res Lewis’ Carleeto Black Silk
Puppy (5, 0)  
1st Conneally’s Melody Dobry of Coedgwylum NAF
Smart 10 month, happy blen girl who moved well with drive coming and going, maintained a level topline at all times, soft expression with well set ears, frames the darkest of eyes, correctly angulated rear, enabling her to move out well. BPB
2nd Lewis’ Carleeto Black Velvet
A very raw 7 mth B/T with gleaming raven black coat with rich clear tan markings, soft expressive head carried proudly on her moderate neck, giving a nice profile both standing and on the move.
3rd O’Grady’s Culverhill Cecilia
Res Willis’ Dinitro’s Madelaines
VHC Wilkins & Wilcock’s Zandawns Rita at Tebaldi
Junior (7, 3)  
1st Ireland’s Charnell Here Comes Summer JW
A beautifully presented exhibit 15 month old, of good size and type with her rich chestnut markings on pearly white. Her dark eyes and good length of ear leathers frame her soft pretty expression, lovely neck, good top line with well angulated rear all enable her to move with drive, once settled she comes alive and demands your attention, happy to award her BCC & on referees’ decision BIS.
2nd Sedgbeer’s Rusmic Olivia Rose
1 yr old youngster who wasn’t wearing her full coat today, but nevertheless a very honest young lady, with nothing to hide. A neat correctly angulated outline, promises the correct movement, in which she excels. Had she had more coat, I’m sure she would of pushed for higher honours today
3rd Chadwick’s Juzandia Lady Bug
Res Lewis’ Vina Minelli Du Chateau Noblesse mit Carleeto (Imp Deu)
Yearling (7, 0)  
1st Long’s Arroline Eternity JW
A smart Blen with large melting eyes which drew you in to her soft expression with super dark pigment, presented in good coat moved out true, with level topline and a smart outline on the stack.
2nd Surman’s Harana C’Est Si Bon
Beautifully presented, this bitch possesses a firm body shape, everything in the correct place, excellent spring of rib, good elbow placement and good chest room, so true on the move.
3rd O’Grady’s Bevelmount Rose Maria of Culverhill
Res Mynott’s Honeybet Mabel Louise
VHC Chadwick’s Juzandia Lady Bug
Novice (10, 0)  
1st Cunningham’s Revdvicki’s Esther Verheyen
This elegant young ruby lady won this class on her super construction and movement,her profile was stunning, when viewed from all angles. Her gleaming coat made for a eye catching sight in the ring. Shortlisted to final 4.
2nd Homes’ Leogem Venetzia
A very pretty tri, moderate in her attributes, nothing over done, moved soundly and freely once settled. The darkest of eyes with rich tan markings, well placed ears, which complete a very pretty picture, today she lacked confidence, but with exposure could trouble the best.
3rd Lovel’s Lovetrac Angelica
Res Butler’s Tamyse Too Many Kisses
VHC Burrows’ Granasil Coffee Bean at Revdvicki
Graduate (6, 2)  
1st King-Smith’s Harana Hopelessly Devoted to Ispahan
Smart, happy young blen lady who moved well with drive, sound coming and going, maintained a level topline at all times, a soft expression with well set feathered ears, framing the darkest of eyes, correctly angulated rear, enabling her to move out well.
2nd Chadwick’s Juzandia Lady Bug
Well broken blen 16mths pretty head with soft expression, correct stop, good coat, good spring of rib and shoulder placement, moved well.
3rd Williams’ Granasil Tea House Moon on Sancana
Res Cox’s Amiryck Beatrice Fujairah
Post Graduate (7, 0)  
1st Butler’s Taymse Taffeta
Slightly larger it statue 3yr old bitch, but never the less a quality girl, very well made with firm body, large dark melting eyes, a super shape, moved well maintaining topline and good tail carriage at all times.
2nd Mynott’s Honeybet Irma La Douce
This girl has the most exquisite of heads, her dark tan exentuates her soft melting pretty expression, good balance, although heavily marked she creates a very pretty picture overall.
3rd Hazeltine’s Juzandia Endelyn
Res Bennett’s Rishtte I’m Tanisha of Remmya JW
VHC Jones’ Javerdi Fleur Alyse
Special Mid Limit (Blen/Tri) (8, 0)  
1st King-Smith’s Ispahan Tender Is The Night
A well balanced Blen, moderate neck, short coupled with good spring of rib, correct tail set and nice turn of stifle, sound on the move, in excellent firm body condition and well presented.
2nd Ireland’s Charnell Songbird JW
A blen girl, of good size and shape, correctly set ears and enough neck, well laid shoulders leading on to a level topline, moved well.
3rd Ireland’s Moonvale Mai Tai for Charnell
Res Williams’ Charnell Gintastic for Sancana JW
VHC Elkin’s Elkjen Layla May
Special Mid Limit (Ruby/B&T) (5, 0)  
1st Galloway’s Russmic Miss liberty at Sailcross
A very pretty Ruby, beautifully presented. Lovely dark eyes give her head a soft melting expression, a good reach of neck, level topline completed by a good tail set which she carries well, moving with drive and purpose.
2nd Surman’s Harana Joan Jet
Well present B&T young lady with the most appealing of heads and beautiful eyes, good neck and shoulders with correct bone. Shown in gleaming coat and condition.
3rd Lewis’ Carleeto Minnie The Minx JW
Res Jones’ Javerdi Fleur Alyse
VHC Earl’s Earlrae Black Pearl
Limit (5, 1)  
1st Ryan’s Cavallibrook Ophelia JW
This lady has the darkest of eyes framed by correctly set ears, a good reach of neck, well sprung ribs lead to a firm body with level topline, she moves soundly and fluently and with purpose both front and rear, with correctly carried tail. Shortlisted for CC.
2nd Homes’ Leogem Campanula
Pretty Blenheim, of good size and shape. Moved with drive from neat hocks, maintaining a level top line at all times. Dark melting eyes draw you into her soft expression, framed by well feathered ears.
3rd Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam’s Eunice JW
Res Elkin’s Elkjen Layla May
Open (3, 1)  
1st Lovel’s Ch Lovetrac Born To Boogie
Beautifully presented young lady, elegant neck, level topline, moved well. Correct for size and substance well marked rich chestnut markings, feminine well balanced head with correct padding and large expressive eyes , not quite in them full coat of my CC winner but a worthy Champ. ResCC.
2nd Levy & Sedgwick’s Pascavale Shanice
A very pretty tri who caught my attention on entering the ring , lovely to go over and presents a super outline on the stack, feminine balanced head, dark eye, correct expression, moved soundly but just not the animation of 1.

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