North East of England Toydog Society
Championship Show – 14th July 2024

Best of Breed – Forestcreek Im The Man at Pascavale
Best Opposite Sex – Ch Ellemich Good Trouble with Gleniren
Best Puppy – Ellemich Bombshell
Best Veteran – Granasil Golden Nugget VW ShCEx

Dog Results Bitch Results
Dogs Miss A Bubb (Wandris)
It was an honour to be part of the inaugural show for this society, I judged this show many many years ago so it was great to judge their championship show. The committee are to be commended for the hard work and a successful show in adverse conditions. I was looking for a moderate but masculine male, with the desired lustrous dark round eyes. Movement in some left a lot to be desired, plaiting fronts and weak rear movement, however that said there were some top quality males with all the attributes of a typical ideal cavalier. The open class was full of quality and pleasing to judge. My co judge and I were in full agreement with our decisions.
Dog CC Levy & Sedgwick’s Forestcreek Im The Man at Pascavale
Reserve CC Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam’s Heavenly Scent
Best Puppy Dog Chapman & Ireland’s Ellemich Bulletproof
Special Beginner (4 Entries, 0 Absent)  
1st Linton’s Thekop’s Black’N Gold
B/T loved his classic head and expression, large dark eyes and richest tan markings, has a good ear set, moderate neck and good topline. Best SB
2nd Hood’s Rabymar New York
Ruby with a good colour, bigger than my ideal good earset moved ok.
3rd Kynaston’s Granasil Ovaltine
Res Slack’s Dalvreck In Dreams for Eversbabes
Veteran (2, 0)  
1st Kynaston’s Granasil Golden Nugget VW ShCEx
9 years old. Loved this boy, almost shortlisted him, epitomised everything a cavalier should be, fabulous temperament, big large round dark eyes, melting expression, good neck and correct shoulders, level topline and very good movement both ways. With complete agreement Best Veteran.
2nd Slack’s Willowheart Louis
Well marked Blenheim, pretty expression, large dark eyes and good pigment. Moved well.
Minor Puppy (4, 2)  
1st Cunningham’s Moonvale Vito Verheyen
Nicely balanced Blenheim, pretty head, well set ears, good neck with lay of shoulders, short coupled body with a well marked jacket, nice size and sweet temperament, just needs to settle.
2nd Mackenzie’s Carsan In Your Dreams
B/T very happy temperament, rich markings, moved well, just preferred the shortness and balance of the winner.
Puppy (7, 1) A lovely class with a lot of promising puppies.
1st Chapman & Ireland’s Ellemich Bulletproof
Blenheim, very pretty head with large dark eyes and blackest pigment, well set ears, nice length of neck, followed by a good topline, short coupled body, with good angles, richly marked jacket, really liked his foot perfect movement. BPD And in my final 4.
2nd Walker’s Carsan Richie Rich
Lovely tricolour, sweet expression, good neck on well angled shoulders, level topline, has a great balance looks a picture on the stand as everything fits together, just needs to get his act together then will trouble the best.
3rd Mackenzie’s Carsan Hot And Tasty
Res Sedgbeer’s Russmic Whiskey Business
VHC Vella’s Miletree Morse at Cinderaic
Junior (6, 2)  
1st Lovel’s Juzandia Keverne at Lovetrac
Well marked Blenheim, exquisitely pretty head, good ear set and pleasing expression, good topline, has a lovely temperament and richly coloured jacket. Clean cut outline standing which is eye catching and has a profuse well presented coat.
2nd Hughes’s Loranka’s Secret Spell
B/T richly marked tan in all the right places, pleasing expression, with good earset, moved well both ways, he was a nice size and well balanced.
3rd Smith’s Beaudale Smooth Criminal
Res Eccles, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Get Knotted
Novice (2, 1)  
1st Smith’s Beaudale Rumors
Richly jacketed ruby, maturing nicely, has correct ear placement, well set on neck and good shoulders, and level topline, he moved well in front and rear.
Graduate (6, 0)  
1st Sim’s Llapsttam The Soprano at Tayhaar
Really liked this beautiful headed Blenheim, large dark round limpid eyes, well placed shoulders flowing into a level topline, moved very well and a lovely size, well presented flowing coat, in my final 4.
2nd Gow’s Legolas Aldaha Gold at Lyncraeg
Pretty headed with nice dark round eyes, well made with good movement, and level topline, just out of coat condition today.
3rd Hughes’ Loranka’s He’s The One
Res Hood’s Rabymar New York
VHC Kynaston’s Granasil Ovaltine
Post Graduate (3, 0)  
1st Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam’s Sir Prize
Black and Tan, largest round dark eyes, pleasing expression, has a good earset and correct skull shape, nice size, well set tail, moved the best here, coat in gleaming condition.
2nd Richardson’s Kringleholme Kraftwerk JW
Well marked Blenheim, large dark eyes, has a nice expression, with good earset,happy boy just out moved by 1.
Limit (7, 1)  
1st Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam’s Heavenly Scent
Ruby, has the most exquisite expression from his limpid large dark round eyes, correct skull almost flat between the his long well feathered ears, good pigment on nose and eyes, excellent neck with crest followed by well laid shoulders, parallel front movement and drive behind, rich ruby coloured jacket which was gleaming with condition with correct amount of coat, moved very well holding a good topline and a well set tail, one of the nicest young ruby males I’ve seen in a long time,pleased to award him the Res CC.
2nd Vorderstrasse & Arrowsmith’s Arrowbien Dream Weaver
Well marked Blenheim who had a rich chestnut desirable coat colour, very pretty head, large dark round expressive eyes, adequate neck and short coupled body, well let down hocks, followed by a well carried tail and a beautifully presented coat.
3rd Walker’s Stavonga Sky Walker Kayceekay JW OSW ShCEx
Res Gow’s Lyncraeg Little Pip
VHC Hughes’ Loranka’s Encanto
Open (8, 3)  
1st Levy & Sedgwick’s Forestcreek Im The Man at Pascavale
Beautifully headed smart Blenheim, black nose and eye rims, just the right head proportions, from his lustrous large dark eyes and cheeky very cute sweet expression, really used his well set ears to advantage, nicely set on neck and followed on by good shoulders, level topline and correctly set and well carried tail, lovely toy size and moved out with verve, coat was gleaming today and beautifully presented, today was his day and he shone, so pleased to award him his crowning CC and with full agreement of my co judge BOB.
2nd Chapman & Ireland’s Ch Ellemich American Express
Cery glamorous profusely coated Blenheim, pleasing expression, black pigment, large dark eyes, good earset, stylish movement and good positive hind movement driving off his well let down hocks. Good rich chestnut markings which was beautifully presented.
3rd Kilcoyne’s Ch Granasil Bourbon
Res Holland’s Ch Bonniemadra Loked And Loaded
VHC Rees’ Embeth Rock The Boat

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Bitches Mrs S Wake (Llustant)
I was thrilled to be invited to judge at this societies special show – many thanks to the Officers and Committee for the invitation to be part of this inaugural Toy Dog Championship Dog Show, and also to all the exhibitors for their entry of quality dogs for me to judge – there were some fabulous exhibits to go over but sadly only one first prize for each class! I felt there was a great atmosphere to the show, the committee has worked very hard and had some difficult decisions to make due to the awful weather conditions, but they managed to re-arrange the rings so everyone was indoors, on a different day the judging would have been lovely on the beautiful grass at the racecourse. I would also like to thank my very capable stewards who kept the ring flowing at all times.
Bitch CC Robb, Chapman & Ireland’s Ch Ellemich Good Trouble with Gleniren
Reserve CC Levy & Sedgwick’s Pascavale Shanice
Best Puppy Bitch Chapman & Ireland’s Ellemich Bombshell
Special Beginner (3 Entries, 1 Absent)  
1st Maxwell’s Eildon Drean Elsa
Black and Tan with rich tan markings, good head and neck, level back, well turned stifles, stood and showed well.
2nd Linton’s Princlova Daisy Celeste
Younger heavily marked tricolour baby that needs time to mature, gentle expression, lightly boned, coat of lovely texture and well presented.
Veteran (3, 0)  
1st Scott’s Toscam Mckayla
Heavily marked tricolour dripping in coat, pretty head, well set ears with plenty of feathering, good bite, level topline moved positively around the ring totally enjoying her day.
2nd Fox’s Lewharle Izzadorable for Lynmily VW
Blenheim, nice size, pretty head, short coupled body, well angulated hindquarters moved well for her age.
3rd Potter’s Toyswood See Emily Play
Minor Puppy (4, 1)  
1st Chapman & Ireland’s Ellemich Bombshell
Beautiful tricolour that caught my eye on entering the ring, small and well balanced, lovely expressive head, moderate bone, good neck that let well in to good shoulders, good spring of rib, level topline, with a good set tail, soft silky coat presented immaculately, moved freely with confidence for one so young, pleased to award her Best Puppy in Breed with full agreement of my co judge.
2nd Lovel’s Lovetrac Angelica
Lovely young Blenheim, with a pretty head, dark eyes, well set ears, nice size, very happy, out of coat today, needs time to settle.
3rd Waddington’s Spindlepoint California
Puppy (7, 2)  
1st Sedgbeer’s Russmic Olivia Rose
Richly coloured Ruby that is maturing nicely, good head with dark pigment, nice neck length, moved well with a level topline and showed well.
2nd Maclaine’s Ellemich Whoops A Daisy aAt Pennygown
Pretty Blenheim with well broken markings, liked her size, pleasing expression with dark eyes, well made, and moved well.
3rd Corner’s Delaby Miss Daisy
Res Gibb-Stuart’s Tangledwood Wish Upon A Star
VHC Linton’s Princlova Daisy Celeste
Junior (6, 0)  
1st Vella’s  Cinderaic Kerry
2 really nice Blenheim bitches headed the placings in this class which I am sure could swap placings on another day, richly marked, dark eyes and nice nose pigment, moderate bone, and moved really well.
2nd Chapman & Ireland’s Ellemich Secret Love
Well broken blen. lovely expressive head, good front, level topline, moved and showed well.
3rd Kilcoyne’s Granasil Tea Leaf
Res Gibb-Stuart’s Clivia De Los Ursidos Kodiak with Tangledwood
VHC Richardson’s Kringleholme Corvette
Novice (7, 2)  
1st Smith’s Beaudale Little Bit Naughty
Well balanced richly coloured Ruby with a lovely outline, very pretty head, dark pigment with large dark eyes giving a gentle expression. Good neck and well laid shoulders, level topline, moved very well with good tail carriage.
2nd Ryan’s Sweetbriar Dancefloor Dust with Cavallibrook
Happy out going Blenheim which was full of beans, nice head with flat skull, shallow stop, muzzle well tapered. Preferred the size of 1, but nevertheless was sound and free moving, showed very well.
3rd Richardson’s Kringleholme Caprice
Res Corner’s Delaby Yorkshire Rose
VHC Gibb-Stuart’s Verheyen Jolene for Tangledwood
Graduate (2, 10  
1st Waddington’s Spindlepoint Gertie Jekyll
Stood alone in this class but a worthy winner, nice size and shape, moderately boned, well turned stifles, moved freely with plenty of drive.
Post Graduate (1, 0)  
1st Fox’s Brymarden Scarlet for Lynmily
Another pretty Blenheim that stood alone in this class, with well broken markings, she was a nice overall shape and moved freely around the ring.
Limit (13, 0)  
1st Hogan’s Arrowbien Hello Kitty at Stavonga
Blenheim in full coat, well broken with rich markings, such a pretty head with a soft gentle expression, dark eyes, cushioned foreface, short coupled with a good spring of rib and moderate bone. She moved and showed well for her owner.
2nd Vorderstrasse & Arrowsmith’s Arrowbien Funny Girl
Another well coated Blenheim with chestnut markings of a different type, large dark eyes and nose pigment given a very feminine expression, short coupled body with a level topline, held her head high when on the move, felt maybe the ring was not quite big enough for her today.
3rd Tremain’s Bonitos Companeros First Class (Imp Deu)
Res Potter’s Toyswood Me Myself And I
VHC Bryson’s Sweetbriar Soprano JW
Open (9, 1)  
1st Robb, Chapman & Ireland’s Ch Ellemich Good Trouble with Gleniren
Gorgeous Blenheim with well-broken markings of a lovely size and frame, well balanced, short coupled, good shoulders, well turned stiffles with a level topline. Loved her head, dense nose pigment, large dark round eyes framed with feathered ears giving a gentle expression. Her coat was of a soft silky texture that was beautifully presented. She moved effortlessly around the ring with plenty of drive and a gentle wagging of her tail, she has great ring presence, and therefore I was very pleased to award her the BCC.
2nd Levy & Sedgwick’s Pascavale Shanice
Beautifully marked tricolour with tan markings in all the right places, very pretty head with a soft gentle expression from her large round dark eyes, good neck with well laid shoulders, short coupled, level topline with good tail carriage, good silky coat texture, moved well and showed happily, pleased to award the her RBCC.
3rd Lovel’s Ch Lovetrac Theodora
Res Lovel’s Ch Lovetrac Born To Boogie
VHC Hughes’ Loranka’s Secret Potion

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Material Copyright The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club