The CKCS Club are saddened to hear that Jeff Hindle has passed after a lengthy illness due to a fall. Jeff was a major contributor to many Clubs and Societies in the Northeast and around the country. Our condolences and sympathies go to Sheila, family, and friends.
The Northern CKCS Club have sent the following message: "Jeff Hindle (Ellisiana) died yesterday. He had a fall 12 months ago and has been in hospital and care homes until his death yesterday. Funeral arrangements will follow. Jeff supported Sheila in their hobby in dog shows for many years and was a committee member and Show Manager of Cleveland Dog Society and The North East of England Toy Dog Society until recently. He was a helping hand at Northern Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Society and was well known with the caravan community. He leaves behind Sheila and 3 sons Andrew, Martin and Stuart."
Schedules are now available for the CKCS Club’s Championship Show to be held in conjuncrtion with Birmingham Dog Show on 11th May. Our Judges are Mr I Sidgwick(Dogs) and Mr J Findlay-Kirkwood (Bitches).
See the schedule for Judging times.
World Dog Show & World Cavalier Day & Night in Helsinki, Finland
This is THE event you don’t want to miss!
Dog breeders from around the world will be gathering in Helsinki, Finland for the World Dog Show. You will have the opportunity to admire the most beautiful Cavaliers from around the world, and even if some breeders choose to travel without their dogs, they will hopefully be able to attend, from all over the world. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet people, exchange ideas and opinions about the Cavaliers which we all love.
The Finnish Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club is organizing this fantastic event a day after the World Dog Show, on Saturday, August 9, 2025, at the Scandic Park Hotel in Helsinki. See the Events Section for full details.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club will be held at 8.30 am on SATURDAY 1st MARCH 2025
The Kennel Club Building
Stoneleigh Park
Items for the agenda need to be submitted in writing (to include the signatures of both the Proposer and Seconder), to the Secretary and must be received no later than:
FRIDAY 13th December 2024
Saturday 1st March 2025
Returns to;
Nailcote Hall Hotel, Nailcote Lane, Berkswell, Warwickshire CV7 7DE
Tel: 02476 466174 Web: https://www.nailcotehall.co.uk
19:00 Cash Bar Reception
19:30 Three Course Dinner [Pre-Booked Only]
Club Members Annual Points Trophy Awards Presentation
Followed by a DJ and dancing until 1am
£50.95 per person paid to the Club.
To reserve your seats at the dinner, use the separate booking form and choose from the menu options. Please read the instructions carefully.
Full information and booking form can be found in the Events Section.
Saturday 1st March 2025
The Nailcote Hotel will be releasing the Clubs room allocation to general release after 4 January, so if you wish to stay there then you should book as soon as practical.
Nailcote Hall Hotel, Nailcote Lane, Berkswell, Warwickshire CV7 7DE
Tel: 02476 466174 Web: https://www.nailcotehall.co.uk
Cavaliers As Companions – February 2025
This month Dennis & Tina ask "Do Dogs like and respond to music?", they look at how and why dogs use their tails. Dennis & Tina also ask "Why are dogs such popular pets? And why do some people develop such strong bonds towards their dogs?". There is also a poem by Rudyard Kipling plus some more book reviews. Click to read
Revised & Effective from 21st January 2025
The points allocation for the Members Annual Trophies has been revised as at 21 January to produce a simpler more level system. Click to read full details of the revised allocation.
The Cavalier Club present Member Annual Points Trophies to Club members only, based upon points gained at certain UK Shows throughout the year. The link below opens list for the current standing of all Cavaliers, regardless of Club membership. At the end of the year the list of Trophy winners based on the highest pointed member for each award will be compiled.
The tables can be accessed by clicking on the menu "Club Points Trophy Table" or the Box on the right of this page.
*DNA Test Mitral Value Disease*
Message from the Club Health Representative:
A milestone of 500 Cavaliers have now been tested in the UK. The Laboklin laboratory have shared the results which we wanted to publish here.
MMVD is our breeds largest health challenge. This science development gives hope for other significant genes being found to assist breeders. Thank you to all those supporting this DNA test, you are also assisting ongoing research. We thank Laboklin for the support and extending the discount.
A new DNA Test is available to Cavaliers for Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD). The most common heart disease in Dogs and the CKCS.
The test kit, to take a Buccal Swab or blood, is available from Laboklin Laboratory.
We have negotiated a discount of 10% off per test for Members Of The CKCS Clubs and order forms are available from laboklin.co.uk at https://www.laboklin.co.uk/laboklin/showGeneticTest.jsp?testID=8831
To claim the discount please use the following form. DNA Form (Word Format) or DNA Form (PDF Format).
Note the current discount is only valid for samples received by 31 March 2025
MVD DNA kits will be available at most Championship Shows — Look for the Banner
You may send nominations direct to the Club Secretary by completing the attached form Achievement Form
Nominations should be received by the Secretary no later than Friday 17th January.
The attached report was published by the eminent Neurologist Mr J J Paul Mandigers in the Netherlands earlier this year. The Club wants to circulate Mr Mandigers conclusions which come after twenty years of research and the MRI scanning of over 2000 Cavaliers. The report gives recommendations and a pathway to "remarkedly reduce the prevalence of SM". This is the first encouraging advice to be received from a leading expert in this field and provides another account to the current narrative. We thank Mr Mandigers for sending the report for us to share.
Click to download Mr Mandigers’report.
"Over 5’s Clear Heart List" updated 27 January 2025
The Over 5’s Clear Heart list has been updated as at 27th Januray 2025.
Click to go to the listings.
Please note that the CKCS Heart Test Result forms should be sent to Mrs E Smith, 9 Elm Grove, Larbert, Stirlingshire, FK5 3LP for inclusion in the research database and for the production of the Over 5 Heart Listing.

Breeding Seminar 2023
The Breeding Seminar, which was presented by Tanya Schuman (Du Chateau Noblesse – Germany) and took place at the recent Summer Open Show, is now available online and tickets for it can be purchased at £5 from the Club Shop under 2023 Seminar. You will then be sent a link to the seminar.
The Seminar included the following:
1) Colour Genetics in the Cavalier
2) Modern Techniques of Reproduction in Dogs
3) From Date of Mating to Date of Whelping
The Kennel Club Doppler Heart Scheme Results
The Kennel Club are working with their IT department to be able to produce the Doppler Heart Scheme results in a format that will generally be understood, i.e. explanation of the traffic light system for suitability for breeding. The Breed Clubs have asked for this in a format for each individual dog’s record. Those that were involved pre-publication will be given the option to submit previous results but the Kennel Club still have this as "work in progress".
In the meantime there is no recognition for those dogs that have a clear heart on their doppler paperwork to be able to go on the Club’s "Over 5 Clear List" and no means for anyone to find these dogs, particularly stud dogs.
If you wish to have your dog’s name added to the "Over 5 Clear List" you may submit a copy of your doppler result to the Scottish Club Secretary, Liz Smith – Liz maintains this list.
Sheena Maclaine
Breed Health Liaison Representative to the Kennel Club
Did You Know? Information Pages
A new section has been added to the Club website where articles that the Committee believe are of interest to the Members will be published. These can be found under the menu item "Did You Know? Topical Interest Column".
Looking For a Puppy? - CKCS Puppy Register The Cavalier Club runs a register of puppies available from Club Members who can put details of puppies and older dogs they have for sale on the Cavalier Club Puppy Register.
The Club has recently introduced a slightly more formal system for placing a dog on its Register. A form now needs to be completed which can be downloaded from the Puppy Register Pages. The form includes details of any health certificates obtained for the parents, so that prospective puppy buyers can have more information before visiting a possible puppy.
If you wish to add your dogs to the Club’s Register, download the Puppy Register Form and send to The Co-ordinator.
Anyone looking to purchase a puppy is recommended to contact one of the Club Puppy Register Co-ordinators, Veronnica Hull, telephone 01268 727248 for details of puppies available.
- Puppy Register
When your puppies have been sold would you please advise the Puppy Register Co-Ordinator so that they may be removed from the lists. |
From time to time events overtake us and we find ourselves searching for a way to help us out of a situation. The Benevolent Fund is there to help any Member to cope during a time of difficulty. You may need to kennel your dog if you have to go into hospital … or during a time when you feel you are being pulled in every direction due to family troubles.
Any one of the three Trustees will be pleased to discuss your situation and it may well be that we can help towards the problem financially by ensuring your dogs are properly cared for during that time. The Benevolent Fund does not pay veterinary fees, but may be able to help in other respects.
Please don’t hesitate to ask … all calls to us are totally confidential and no details are ever passed on.
Click for details of the Trustees and further info.
Show Critiques
We endeavour to publish ALL Championship Show critiques on Cavaliers.
However if you are judging at a Cavalier Breed Club Limited or Open Show, we would love to have the results and your critique to publish for all to read. If you would like us to publish it just send it attached to an email to the Webmaster or by snail mail to Dave Norris.
Unlike some of the Dog Press, we do not edit any critique, what the Judge sends us is what appears.
A Request from the Webmaster